What’s UX and UI and how are they different?

What’s UX and UI and how are they different?

This article is to get you to better understand what is UX UI. You may have known that UX and UI are very important for technology products

e.g. website and applications.  However, there are some differences between UX and UI that you should pay attention to.

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What’s UX?

UX is an abbreviated word from User Experience Design.  UX is something that deals with user experience when using such products.  Users will get flawless experience when using services.

What’s UX?
What’s UX?

What should be considered when designing UX?

  • Usability Testing
  • User Research
  • User Stories
  • User Personas
  • Wireframes

Exemplar of UX: website design and application

Exemplar of UX: website design and application
Exemplar of UX: website design and application

What is UI?

UI is an abbreviated word from User Interface design.  UI is a designing of website appearance or applications to make a website or application more beautiful.  

What is UI?
What is UI?

What should be considered when designing UI?

  •  Layout
  • Visual Design
    • color
    • content
    • control panel
    • character
    • Wireframes

Exemplar of UI: website and application appearance

Exemplar of UI: website and application appearance
Exemplar of UI: website and application appearance

What are the differences between UX and UI?

What are the differences between UX and UI?
What are the differences between UX and UI?

UX and UI are very similar, however, there are differences between these two that we should consider.  UX is like a structure of overall products and UI is a detail of product e.g. appearance, color, character, content, control panel.  After completion of design process, then UX will play an important role in testing products.  

The importance of UX UI

The importance of UX UI
The importance of UX UI

If we create an application or website, it is very important to design them for easier use and look beautiful.  UX and UI can make our products look interesting, fascinating, outstanding and reliable.  

UX and UI design is very important for users in the sense that when they decide to use some products, they may consider the appearance of such products, its  simplicity for use. UX UI is very important for website and application design. 

 The process of UX and UI design

 The process of UX and UI design
  1. UX Designer conducts a research about user base  
  2. UX Designer discusses with project owners about ideas of the project 
  3. UX Designer structures overall of product and its model 
  4. UX Designer launch testing products in an initial phase then deliver the products to UI Designer 
  5. UI Designer will design website appearance e.g. its color, icon, charactor etc.  
  6. UI Designer will design testing model for the products and test it with initial users
  7. UI Designer will deliver the products to programmers for coding 

UX/UI Design Program

UX/UI Design Program
  • Adobe XD (UX,UI)
  • Figma (UX,UI)
  • Sketch (UX,UI)
  • UXPin (UX,UI)

We hope that you will get a better understanding of UX and UI.  UX and UI design is very important because when users decide to use some services and products, they have to consider how such products work and how they look. 

If you are interested in UX and UI design, you can contact Astra Studio.  We have a team that provides UX and UI design for you, which can enhance your business operation in the next level.  

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